Report Recaptures

Dolphinfish Research Program, Mahi-Mahi Research Program, Mahi Research Program, Dorado Research Program

Dolphinfish Research Program Recapture Report

Caught A Tagged Dolphin?

Anglers recapturing a tagged dolphin should use the form on the left or mail in the following information:

-Serial number of the tag
(PLEASE, Return tag!)
-Date of recapture,
-GPS/LORAN location of recapture,
-Fork length and weight of the fish,
-Name, complete address, zip code,
daytime telephone number and
email address (if available.)

How Do I Contact You?

For further information or to report a tag recovery, contact:

Wess Merten
Dolphinfish Research Program
Beyond Our Shores Foundation
PO BOX 3506
Newport, RI, 02840

Whats App: to U.S. 1-787-436-8300 Facebook: @tagdolphinfish Instagram: @tagdolphinfish

Whats App: To U.S. 1-787-436-8300 

Facebook @tagdolphinfish

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Instagram @tagdolphinfish

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